biscuit gallery karuizawa is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Atsuki Fujimoto, “Blooming on the plateau” starting September 14, 2024.
The exhibition will be on view from Saturday, September 14 to Sunday, October 13, 2024.
The exhibition is Atsuki Fujimoto’s first solo exhibition at biscuit gallery.

Atsuki Fujimoto Solo Exhibition “Blooming on the plateau” main visual
Blooming on the plateau
Using motifs of trees rustling in the wind and flowers blooming by the roadside bathed in warm sunlight, the artist recreates the atmosphere and feel of a scene filled with flowers and plants.
In order to depict the feel and atmosphere of each landscape, the motif is carefully selected and cared for each time so that its unique characteristics and scene complement the texture and material of the painting.
The support for the paintings is not ordinary canvas, but rather a fine linen fabric used for handicrafts.
The support material, fabric, has tiny air passages through it, creating a sense of spaciousness to the left and right and beyond the canvas.
Unlike paintings, which inherently create a false space, my paintings create a pictorial space with physical front and back and perspective, as if the objects exist in a real space without any lies.
The appearance of the flowers and air that emerges by layering or exposing the soft, finely textured fabric creates a definite presence of the flowers and the light and air that surrounds them.
In this exhibition, a flower field on the plateau is created in the exhibition space by incorporating works depicting the small flowers blooming here and there at the foot of the spacious plateau, as well as “honey forest” works that focus on the center of the flowers.
Please enjoy the garden of painted flowers blooming in the midst of the natural surroundings and fresh air.
(Atsuki Fujimoto)
Exhibition View
Artist Profile
Atsuki Fujimoto
1997 Born in Mie, Japan
2021 MFA, Kyoto University of the Arts, Graduate School of Art and Design Studies, Art Major, Fine and Applied Arts Field, Oil Painting
Atsuki Fujimoto Solo Exhibition
“Blooming on the plateau”
Location:biscuit gallery karuizawa
Dates:Sep 14 (Sat) – Oct 13, 2024 (Sun)
Time:12:00 – 18:00 *Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Free Admission
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